Monday, March 20, 2017

Assembling Toy Story 3 Puzzle for Kids!

Do you like puzzles? I sure do! Well today you can watch the whole process of assembling this kids puzzle from the animated cartoon Toy Story 3

As you can see, we believe that it is better to assemble the ends of the puzzle because that is best way to solve this puzzle faster. 

Well that is if you want to compete with someone. Either way, you can do it the way you like. 

Take a look at the video we have posted and see if you will like it. If not, feel free to checkout more videos on our channel. We wish you a great week!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Hello Kitty 3D Modeling with Play Dough

This time we are 3D modeling your favorite designed Japanese character Hello Kitty. To create Kitty White you need white, yellow, purple and black play dough. 

If you don’t have purple play doh, you can choose pink, green, orange or whichever color you have. That is not that important. What is important is that you have all the other colors so that kitty can look like it’s supposed to.

From tools you need: scissors, cutters, shaper and roller. Now, let’s begin! 

Take white play doh and start creating Kitty’s form of the head and the ears. 

Use scissors to make the form prettier. Use yellow play doh for kitty’s nose and black play doh for eyes.

After that use purple play doh to create ribbon and the dress. After you create the dress, you can make kitty’s legs. Easy or not? Comment bellow!